Scientiae Carnival

Scientiae Carnival

April Scientiae: Call for Posts

Hi, I'm biochem belle, your humble host for April's Scientiae Carnival! Many thanks again to Amanda for hosting the March edition of the Scientiae Carnival. If you haven't already seen it, go check out people's thoughts on continuity in science. I am thrilled to be hosting the carnival in April and look forward to reading all the submissions. Even though the carnival broadly covers the topic of women in STEM, anyone is welcome to contribute. In fact, one of my favorite dude bloggers, Abel Pharmboy, hosted last year. Now on to this month's topic...

The theme for the spring 2010 national meeting of the American Chemical Society is Chemistry for a Sustainable World.There have been a number of reports, op eds, and blog posts about a diverse range of challenges in science. This phrase prompted me to see them as questions of sustainability. Whether discussing an individual career, a lab, funding, the academic research system, publishing, peer-review, or scientific innovation, at the heart of the issue is often the question of whether current practices are sustainable and what changes need to be made to ensure sustainability. This also brings the theme of April's carnival. From an individual to a more global perspective, definitions, successes, diversity, barriers... what makes--or breaks--sustainability in science?

To submit posts to the carnival, please email the permalink URL of your post to scientiaecarnival [a] gmail [dt] com by 11:59 pm on Monday, March 29. I will try to have the carnival posted here by 11:59 pm on April 1. I'm looking forward to reading some more great posts!


  1. Shelley said...
    Hi! This is my first visit, and I wondered: the webpage I work on tells the story of women facing the worst environmental disaster in our history. Are environmental issues eligible to be listed as a part of your carnival,or does it need to be chemistry? (My daughter is taking organic chemistry, if that helps me get in!)
    biochem belle said...
    Hi, Shelley. I simply used the theme of the Chemical Society meeting as an inspiration for this month's carnival theme. The focus of the Scientiae Carnival is stories from and about women in any STEM discipline-certainly not limited to chemistry :) Check out the pages linked to the tabs in the header to learn more about it. And if you have any other questions, you can post them here or email
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