Scientiae Carnival

Scientiae Carnival

RIP Scientiae, 2007-2011

Dear loyal readers and subscribers,

Scientiae has had a good run, but I think it is time to retire this carnival, at least for now. We have had declining submissions over the last couple years, even when we moved from a monthly carnival to a quarterly one. So perhaps there is less need for Scientiae than when we started it in 2007? I'm not sure... probably more likely is that there are many more ways for women in science to share their stories and connect with each other than there were, for which I am truly grateful.

So, with great thanks to all the hosts who have hosted over the last 5 years, to all the people who have sent in posts to share their thoughts, stories, and conversations with a larger public, and to all those who have blogged about Scientiae, read about it, shared it with others, and generally supported it, I hereby declare the Scientiae Carnival closed. (If, in the future, someone comes across the blog and would like to revitalize it, do contact me (alicepawley at the gmail server) and we can see what we can do. :-) )

Thank you, all. It has been a good run.
Best wishes,

December Scientiae

The December Scientiae is up over at Apple Pie and The Universe! Thank you to everyone who submitted a post during this very busy time of year.

Happy holidays, everyone!

December Scientiae Reminder

Just a reminder to get your December Scientiae posts in by the 15th! As always, e-mail a permalink to your submission to scientiaecarnival [at] gmail [dt] com.

December Scientiae: Call For Posts

Hi! It's Alyssa from Apple Pie and the Universe. So, here we go - the last Scientiae of the year! This quarter's theme is:

The Ultimate Goal

Sometimes we lose track of why we got into science. But, at some point, I'm sure we all had grandiose dreams of all the things we were going to accomplish as scientists. Sure, those goals may have changed as we evolved from naive and idealistic undergraduate students to where we are now, but surely there's some big idea that's pushing us, even in the distant background.

So, what is your ultimate career goal? Do you want to win the Nobel Prize? Cure cancer? Build a better mouse trap? What is it that you want to be remembered for career-wise?

Feel free to submit variations on the theme or anything else you find appropriate. Please e-mail a permalink to your submission to scientiaecarnival [at] gmail [dt] com by 5pm Eastern Time on December 15th, so the carnival can be posted in time for the holidays!

September Carnival Posted!

Hi Everyone!

The September Scientiae Carnival is posted at My Middle Years.



September Carnival Call

Dear All,

I'll be hosting the September Scientiae Carnival over at My Middle Years. The theme for this month is:

not here

It has been a busy year for everyone and, until we figure out how to be in more than one place at once, there will always be a place where we can't be. We even decided to move Scientiae to a quarterly timetable so we don't stress about all the carnival posts we do not have time to write. So where have you been? Where do you wish you were? Where are you not?

Feel free to submit variations on the theme or anything else you find appropriate. Please e-mail a permalink to your submission to scientiaecarnival [at] gmail [dt] com by midnight on September 25th. The carnival should be posted by September 30th.


Second quarter carnival is up!

My sincerest apologies for the delay in posting here...

The carnival roundup on Inspiring Women in STEM is now up at my blog! Thanks to all who submitted.

biochem belle

Call for posts: June Carnival

Inspiration is a necessary element to any satisfying career. But where do we find it? Is it in those who have come before us? The encouragement and confidence others give? The goals and dreams we have set for the future?
This quarter's Scientiae topic is Inspiring Women in STEM. Contribute your stories of historical or contemporary women in STEM who motivate you. Write about how individuals, male or female, STEM or not, who have encouraged and supported the careers and advancement of women in STEM. Share the things that help you stay focused on your goals as a woman in STEM. Offer anecdotes of how you are inspiring girls and women to get involved and stay involved in STEM.
As always, you can write a new post or pull one from your archives. And feel free to submit more than one!
By the way, we love to hear stories about inspiring women in STEM from non-female bloggers as well :)
The June Scientiae Carnival will be hosted by biochembelle at Ever On & On. Send your links to no later than Friday, June 17. biochembelle will post the roundup on or about June 20.
Happy writing!

posted by biochembelle

March Carnival posted

Hello, the March carnival is now available to view over at my place. I will add any late entries if they are mentioned in the comments over there before 9am BST (British Summer Time) on 31st March 2011. Enjoy! JaneB


Hello everyone,

A last call for posts on the theme of 'Change is the only constant' (or any other topic) for the Scientiae carnival in March - send them in by Monday 20th March to!

Call for first Quarter posts

Scientiae has moved to a quarter system this year, and the first carnival of 2011 will come out around the 20th of March (because I have been slow putting out the call and because I am actually having a few days off(!) around the 15th).

I'd like to encourage lots and lots of posts, so I'm going for a pretty general topic. A truism widely used in one of the fields my research area touches on (way to be vague?) is:

Change is the only constant

and I would like to invite posts on that theme. You might write about changes in your discipline (or in a discipline you like reading about!) since you first began studying it, or about changes in yourself since you began studying science/got your current job/since some arbitrary and personal date. What about changes in the experiences of women in science and as scientists? For example, I'm in my early 40s - and I really wish I'd ignored the advice at school and as an undergrad to not learn to touch-type. Women were told NOT to learn to type because 'you'll end up being treated like a secretary and expected to type up everyone's papers' - nowadays with word processors all academics pretty much do their own typing, and I would love to be able to type correctly (but have been typing badly long enough that I do it quickly and have failed in all attempts so far to unlearn and relearn. Maybe I should try a DVORAK keyboard?).

If you're really busy, why not identify an old post that fits the theme, and submit that? Or submit any piece of writing on your blog which you're proud of, carnivals thrive on variety!

Email your links to the scientiae carnival gmail address at or in comments here or at the scientiae blog

2010 hosts

Thanks to these folks for hosting Scientiae in 2010!

March: A Lady Scientist
April: Belle
May: Patchi
July: Jane B
August: Mrs. Comet Hunter
September: Karina, Aspiring Ecologist
October: Podblack
November: EcoGeoFemme

Scientiae moving to quarterly

After some discussion in the Scientiae supporters google group, we've decided to move Scientiae to a quarterly system for the year, and then reevaluate whether Scientiae should retire in 2012. We've got hosts for March 15, June 15, and September 15 and December 15. The March 15 host will get the call up soon. Thanks for your continued support of Scientiae!

December Carnival Is Up

Thanks for your patience and understanding folks. The carnival is now up over at FairerScience so come on over and have some fun.

Houston we had a problem ; but we will fix it!

So I was very sad, when I thought that there were no posts on having fun. It turns out that there were posts but because gmail had instituted a new "confirmation" policy they never got transferred to me.

We have found the problem, fixed the problem and hooray there will be a Carnival on having fun by Sat am. So for those of you who submitted, thank you! For those of you who didn't- it's not too late. Just get your post to me by Friday.



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